Pascal Theatre Company is a London-based touring theatre and community company telling exciting and edgy stories. We organise productions of plays that engage with contemporary issues and large scale heritage projects to reveal ‘reluctant histories’. Both elements explore the lives of those living on the margins of society or those whose lives have been ignored.
Our work is realised through theatre, film, site-specific performance, talks and on our website.
Pascal Theatre Company is not building-based. We choose to have the flexibility to work in and with different communities and in different areas. This gives us access to more diverse audiences, collaborators and participants.
We reveal social histories and explore why they have been hidden or lost and how they can help inform our understanding of contemporary debates.
an interest in people, a curious mind, good communication skills, imagination, enthusiasm, initiative, drive, energy.
We are not building based but are able to create work in non-theatrical spaces as well as in theatres. We work with people of all ages, cultures and abilities.
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Our Opportunities

Our exciting Lottery Heritage Funded project: Women for Women: 19th century women in Bloomsbury explores the challenges women faced accessing education, training and employment. Our website - See Current Projects - shares tributes to these women.

We are promoting our exciting Lottery Heritage Funded project: Women for Women: 19th century Bloomsbury women which highlights women who fought for equal opportunities for education, training and employment and whose stories can inspire us today.

Pascal Theatre Company engages in a wide range of activities but, as a charity, relies on funding for the production of plays and research to develop the seeds of ideas for large or small projects.