We are looking for friendly and creative volunteers who can support our fortnightly art sessions for over 50s. The sessions are led by an art tutor and have a different theme each term.
We are looking for friendly and creative volunteers who can support our fortnightly art sessions for over 50s. The sessions are led by an art tutor and have a different theme each term. The group have regular exhibitions of their work in the local community.
Fridays 10.30-1.30pm @ Coin Street neighbourhood centre, 108 Stamford Street, SE1 9NH
Main Duties
- Help set up for the art sessions and ensure the space is safe and welcoming
- Welcome members of the group
- Support participants with the art activities led by the tutor.
- Help prepare tea and coffee for the group
- Chat and listen to members of the group
- Help tidy up and debrief after the session
- Plan for future sessions
- Be vigilant to any safeguarding or health and safety concerns and flag them up with the appropriate staff member as soon as possible.
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