The Conservation Volunteers
To connect people and green spaces to deliver lasting outcomes for both.

We are The Conservation Volunteers.


We bring people together to create, improve and care for green spaces. From local parks and community gardens to Local Nature Reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest; from school grounds and hospital grounds to waterways, wetlands and woodlands; we connect people to the green spaces that form a vital part of any healthy, happy community.


Our team of dedicated, passionate staff and volunteers work with communities across England, Northern Ireland and Scotland and, through our Community Network, we support local community groups across the UK.


TCV's work brings measurable benefits to both people & places.

Make a positive environmental impact - Our commitment to ensuring that everything we do contributes to building a sustainable planet. Making sure that our relationship with the natural world is at the heart of what we do and how we manage ourselves as a charity. Seeking opportunities to share our knowledge, skills and expertise with corporate partners, education, communities and individuals to maximise our impact and legacy.
Make stuff better - Constantly asking ourselves if we can improve on what we do and how we do it. Having a continuous learning practice at the heart of everything we do. Being curious about what others are doing outside our charity and learning from partners, volunteers and each other. Expanding our horizons to make things better.
Crack on and muck in - Coming to work with a mindset as a team, getting the job done, and achieving what we set out to do. Being clear on our collective purpose and shared goals; overcoming obstacles constructively and sustainably to achieve our aims without causing harm or difficulty for others.
Be the best we can be - We are committed to role modelling the best of ourselves in all that we do and how we do it. Ensuring that how we work with others is as important as what we do.
Make a difference - We have a deep desire to ensure that everything we do in how we connect with individual volunteers, with communities, with partners, and with our environment, leaves a positive and lasting ripple effect.
“You transform not only city environments, not only country environments, but you also transform people – the people who do it, and the people who benefit from it.” Sir David Attenborough, TCV Vice President talking about TCV
Mental Health
Older People
Social Mobility
Widening participation
Young People
Charity / Nonprofit
Health, Wellness and Fitness
Renewables and Environment

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