Caxton Youth Organisation
Caxton’s mission is to develop independent living, educational, health and social skills in order to promote inclusion, participation and effective citizenship. The organisation provides a comprehensive programme of activities: Communication: (including ICT skills, online safety and interpersonal skills) Opportunities: (including art and music projects, sports, and volunteering) Health and Personal Care: (including Relationships and Sexual Health, Personal Hygiene, Coping with Stress, Substance Misuse Awareness, and Yoga and Relaxation) Independence: (including managing money, staying safe, travel training and personal skills) The youth club aims to provide members with facilities for recreation and informal education in the interests of social welfare and with the object of developing their mental, physical and spiritual capacities that they may grow to their full potential, both as individuals and as responsible members of society, and that their conditions of life may be improved. We encourage collective initiatives with other community organisations, to enrich provision, and to ensure that our members are not marginalised and have access to opportunities, freedom and choice equal to their non-disabled peers, through additional grants where appropriate. The Caxton Youth Organisation also provides social and informal educational opportunities at Midge Island, Ripley, Surrey, a facility available for the exclusive use of members.

Caxton is a youth club in Westminster working with young people with addtional needs and disability from age 11-25. Caxton run evening youth club session and also holiday activites and trips. Caxton also has an out door base in Surry where the young people can go and stay over night. Caxton run lots of doffernt activites, from sports, art, drama and also run programs to develop independance skills, social emtional well being and employment skills. 


The work of Caxton matters as it allows young people to be themsleves, It also works to remove barriors that young people with disbaility and neurodivergents face. We work with the community to increase oppertunities for young people in Westminster. We also work to increase youth vocie and well being of the young people we work with. 

  1. somone who is friendly and approchable 
  2. someone who is energic and fun
  3. someone who is creative 
  4. someone who is calm 
  5. someone who wants to get stuck in 
Young People

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