Qisetna (OutgrainArts CiC)
To preserve and promote the cultural heritage of people displaced by conflict.

Qisetna means "our story", and is an award winning initiative which publishes and archives the cultural heritage of individuals displaced by conflict. What began as a blog publishing content written by Syrians, has grown to capture oral stories, proverbs, rituals, memories and the arts and culture of members of other diasporas globally. As well as producing digital content, Qisetna collaborates with third parties such as the Refugee Council, Tate Modern and Counterpoint Arts to produce storytelling workshops accross the UK.


Sadly our work now is more relevant than ever as economic and political uncertainty globally continues to displace communities.

Our Opportunities

Arabic Translator
Qisetna (OutgrainArts CiC)
Min. 6 Weeks Minimum weeks
Arabic Translator
Arts, Culture, Education, Refugees

Calling all King’s College students! We’re looking for a passionate volunteer to help translate stories and interviews from Arabic to English. Your skills can amplify voices and bridge cultures! Interested? Reach out and make a difference!