Housing Justice
Our mission is to mobilise Christian action on homelessness and housing need through love, justice, advocacy and nurture.

Housing Justice is a Christian charity working to alleviate homelessness in all its forms. We work in partnership with churches, community and faith groups to help provide those experiencing homelessness with a safe and stable home.

Our work is channelled through four main initiatives that aim to tackle homelessness in various different ways at a grassroots level.

These include 

The Network

We help over 1,000 churches to respond to homelessness in their local area. Traditionally this has taken the form of providing support with setting up and operating a winter night shelter. Pre-pandemic we were able to help faith and community groups to provide beds for over 9,100 night shelter guests.

Communal shelters with shared airspace were not feasible during the Covid-19 pandemic so, as we move beyond Covid-19, churches are now reviewing how they can best serve people experiencing homelessness going forwards. Throughout the pandemic, we continued to support the 1,000+ churches and community groups in our network by communicating guidance, and providing resources to help them respond to homelessness in new and creative ways.

Hosting Programme

We work with a pool of volunteer hosts who welcome vulnerable individuals into their home.

These individuals include people arriving in the UK seeking sanctuary from war or persecution, those whose asylum claims have been rejected, and those with a complicated immigration status. These individuals often become the most vulnerable in our communities, as they do not have the right to work or access benefits.

We find them a safe, welcoming home where they have their own room, and ensure that they have the means to pay for living costs (food, other essentials, travel etc.) We currently have 17 hosts actively hosting 22 guests in the London area, with a further 23 hosts registered. We are just starting out in hosting in Wales and currently have 11 registered hosts, and have accommodated four guests. We are working hard to expand this across Wales.


We help people experiencing homelessness to find and sustain a home.

Our Citadel programme is a successful model that relies on trained and supervised volunteers to help people in our communities out of homelessness. Our volunteers identify each individual’s specific needs and address them together. This could include connecting them with their local community, helping them to seek meaningful employment, accessing a sport or a new hobby, or helping individuals to access the health or financial services they need.

We also work with various agencies to provide a holistic approach to supporting each individual, helping them to be housed more quickly.

Faith in Affordable Housing

We work with churches of all denominations to release surplus land and redundant buildings for the creation of new truly affordable housing.

With many church denominations seeking solutions for surplus assets, FiAH is uniquely placed to help bring about greater partnership in order to deliver more genuinely affordable homes and alleviate homelessness.


The pandemic caused a major shift in policy and practice around rough sleeping and homelessness. In England under the “Everybody In” scheme rough sleeping reduced by half and for many in our network there has been a shift away from communal night shelters, the traditional way the church has responded to rough sleeping. In areas of high numbers of those sleeping rough communal night shelters are returning.

In Wales they have moved away from people needing to be in “priority need” to be assisted by the councils and so night shelters are no longer needed. Church groups have turned towards a new project called “Citadel” which helps people to settle into their new homes and maintain their tenancies, in a number of practical ways.

Respecting the worth and dignity of each individual – Caring for the whole person
Believing in social justice – Priority to the marginalised and those experiencing poverty
Working for the highest quality in all we do, inspired by excellence and professionalism
Having authority – Being recognised as a trusted source of expertise and information
Valuing difference – Welcoming diversity in staff, services and those whom we serve
Working in partnership – Recognising the strength of working in partnership with those of all faiths and none
Having integrity – Accountability to each other and to all our stakeholders

Our volunteer team bring their own life experiences and skills to the Citadel project!

We welcome new ideas and skills, but here are some examples of the support Citadel volunteer offer:

rapid regousing (finding a home), emotinal support and listening, sourcing household items and decorating, budgeting, community connection and tenancy sustainment


Our Opportunities

Citadel Volunteer
Housing Justice
Min. 26 Weeks Minimum weeks
Citadel Volunteer