Croydon BAME Forum
We work with our communities to: Ensure that they are involved in local policy and decision-making; regeneration and neighborhood renewal. Facilitate joint working among BME communities to develop best practices and provide a unified BME voice within local strategic partnerships. Promote networking, collaboration, and partnership between the BME voluntary sector and mainstream agencies building their organizational capacities. Engage with BME communities in all aspects of Croydon life. Encourage good race relations, community cohesion, and equality of opportunity for all throughout Croydon.

Croydon BME (black & minority ethnic) Forum is the umbrella organization for Croydon’s Black and Minority Ethnic voluntary and community sector; engaging people, building capacity, and promoting equality and cohesion.  We are a registered charity and company limited by guarantee.

The Forum was established to maximize the engagement of BME communities in all aspects of living and working in Croydon. We make representations on behalf of Croydon’s black and minority ethnic communities to public sector agencies and other statutory and non-statutory organizations. 


Our BME community members play a central role in decision-making processes around policy, service development, and delivery in Croydon by taking part in our thematic groups. These are:


Community Safety: working with community safety agencies to address community safety issues and develop strategies to eliminate incidences of racial harassment and crime.


Education: works in partnership with schools, parents/guardians, local education statutory, and community-based education providers to improve education outcomes for BME children.


Enterprise & Employment: working with local statutory, voluntary, and national organizations to address unemployment rates, pay and employment discrimination, and improve work and enterprise opportunities for BME communities.


Health & Wellbeing: to provide an opportunity for BME communities to have an input into addressing health and wellbeing issues that will feed into future health and wellbeing strategies.

United Kingdom
Charity / Nonprofit

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