Do you want to find out more about environmental issues while gaining skills associated with auditing?
Volunteer as a Sustainability auditor and make a positive impact at King’s and receive an IEMA certificate. Audit days are 29th and 30th of May.
You will attend auditing training provided by SOS-UK and King’s Climate & Sustainability team. You will receive an IEMA approved environmental auditing certificate.
You can find out more here -
You will audit between 2-4 departments at King's - assessing their climate & sustainability work and support them with ideas for the next steps they can take to make a difference on sustainability!
Breakdown of what the days may look like:
29th May
9:00 - Arrive at the training room Strand Building S3.30, or registration and training.
12:30 - Lunch & refreshments.
1:30 - Auditors split into pairs & go out to audit 2-4 teams.
4:45 - Return to the training room, re-group & present findings.
30th May
9:00 - Any volunteers who missed the training on the 29th, arrive at 9:00 for training on the 30th May at the Strand Building, S3.30.
[NOTE: any volunteers who received training on the 29th, can miss the morning training on the 30th and come back in the afternoon for second round of audits, from 1:30pm.]
12:30 - Lunch & refreshments.
1:30 - Auditors split into pairs & go out to audit 2-4 teams.
4:45 - Return to the training room, re-group & present findings.
- Make a positive change at King’s.
- Improve your CV and gain valuable employability skills.
- Network and connect with other students and staff members.
- You will gain IEMA approved auditing training from SOS-UK. [You will learn how to audit, analyse data, and work in a student team].
- You will then get the chance to put this into practice, auditing 2-4 staff teams across King's on their sustainability progress.
- You will present your findings to the King's Climate & Sustainability Team and get to decide what level of award (Bronze, Silver or Gold) a department at King's will obtain.
- Students who are passionate about sustainability and making a positive difference at King's.
- Students who are proactive and keen to learn skills which they can take into their careers.
- You must be available between 9:00-17:00 on at least one of the two audit days (29 and 30 May).
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