Bring positivity and hope to an isolated person in prison by keeping in touch through letters and visits - all expenses reimbursed.
About the programme
Write Letters
- You will be matched with an incarcerated individual for a letter-writing program
- You will be expected to write letters to the person once every two weeks.
- Inmates send their replies to our office for redirection to the volunteers.
- Visit Inmates
- After approximately 6 months, volunteers initiate in-person visits.
- Visits occur up to 4 times per year.
Participate in Volunteer Support Group:
- Each volunteer is a member of a Support Group chaired by an experienced volunteer.
- Meetings are held monthly, lasting around an hour.
- The purpose is to discuss correspondence, visits, and address concerns.
- Provides a friendly and supportive atmosphere
- Support groups are spread nationwide
- Volunteers can choose to join local in-person groups or virtual Zoom meetings with participants from across the country.
Expectation from Volunteers:
- Be committed to writing to and/or visiting people in prison on a consistent basis.
- Act as a positive role model to people in prison by demonstrating responsible behaviours, such as reliability, respect, honesty and encouragement.
- Respect the privacy and comfort level of people in prison, allowing them to develop the supportive relationship at their own pace.
- Be clear in all communication with people in prison, particularly around their role, boundaries and confidentiality.
- Regularly attend Support Group meetings and submit Expenses Forms.
- Promptly report any issues of concern to their Support Group/New Bridge.
- Comply with the ‘Volunteer Policies & Procedures’ and the rules and regulations of any establishment they may visit in their capacity as a New Bridge volunteer.
- Act in a professional and responsible manner, which enhances the reputation of New Bridge.
- In the event of closure of contact, be sensitive to people in prisons’ needs and concerns and work with New Bridge to facilitate a positive end to the relationship.
- Notify New Bridge of any contact detail changes or any matters that may impact upon their ability to perform the volunteering role.
Our volunteers tell us that they enjoy:
- Being able to make a tangible difference to isolated people in prison
- Being part of a community of like-minded volunteers
- Peer support from Volunteer Support Group meetings
- The flexibility of being able to fit volunteering around their work/studies/life
- The huge impact they can have with a relatively small time commitment
- Attending our annual Volunteer Conference to learn more about prisons and the criminal justice system from a variety of speakers
Volunteers should:
- Have the ability to relate to people in prison and to separate the individual from their behaviour.
- Be adaptable to change and able to work as a team member of New Bridge.
- Demonstrate emotional intelligence.
- Meet New Bridge’s minimum age requirement of 18 years
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