Become a King’s Volunteering Ambassador
Get paid to help amplify King’s Volunteering’s initiatives and inspire your peers to get involved in volunteering.

Related Opportunities

Communication Assistant
Qisetna (OutgrainArts CiC)
Min. 6 Weeks Minimum weeks
Communication Assistant
Arts, Culture, LGBTQ, Refugees

Qisetna was created in 2013 as a volunteer-led organisation based in London. Inspired by a culture of intergenerational collaboration, we are a growing community of creatives, writers, a socially engaged artists advocating for a fair society.

Citadel Volunteer
Housing Justice
Min. 26 Weeks Minimum weeks
Citadel Volunteer

King's Community Gardens, Event competition (AY 2025)
King's Climate & Sustainability
Min. 0 Weeks Minimum weeks
King's Community Gardens, Event competition (AY 2025)
Culture, Environment, Widening participation

King's Community Gardens are offering 4 successful volunteers the funds of £150-200 for an event planned in one of King's Community Garden. The Community Gardens are ran by and for King's community, help organise the change you want to see now!